Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Benzema targeted by National Front over refusal to sing French national anthem

The French National Front has called for Karim Benzema to be excluded from the France football squad after the striker declared that ‘nobody’ could force him to sing the country’s national anthem, La Marseillaise.

Real Madrid forward Benzema, who was born in France but is of Algerian descent, insisted to French radio that he has no intention of singing La Marseillaise - an anthem filled with French nationalist sentiment - and explained how he is following in the footsteps of the country's footballing legend Zinedine Zidane, who also refused to sing the anthem.

Benzema said: 'I love the national team - I don’t understand how anyone can question that. It’s a dream to play for France but nobody can make me sing.

Benzema’s words have provoked a storm in France, with the extremist group ‘Le Front National’ demanding that action should be taken against what they perceive to be an ‘insulting attitude’.

The political party’s sporting adviser, Eric Domard, issued a statement: 'The National Front condemns this insulting attitude that once again sullies the image of the French national team after the fiascos of the team’s revolt at World Cup 2010 and the excesses of some players at Euro 2012.'

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