Thursday, December 27, 2007

Dean Ashton is NOT fat

England striker Dean Ashton has insisted his bulked up frame is not the result of too much of the good life during his long spell on the sidelines.

The 24-year-old said: "A lot has been made of my physique. I've been compared with an over-conditioned racehorse and a lot of people have had a surprising amount to say about the way I look.

“But I've worked really hard and, if people actually saw me in the flesh, they would realise I'm not that big and I feel as strong - and as quick - as I've ever been.

“There's not a lot of difference between my weight now and what it was when I got injured on England duty at the start of last season, but my physique has changed.

“I've got a lot more muscle and a lot less fat, so my body has changed, but I'm not sure how much other people outside the club are qualified to comment on that."

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