Monday, October 06, 2008
Tartan Army faces drink crackdown

Fans will be targeted to ensure they do not bring alcohol to the Scotland v Norway match at Glasgow's Hampden Park.
Bus drivers and operators would be liable for prosecution if they knowingly allow alcohol to be carried on their vehicles, police have warned.
Officers will search trains and coaches and arrest anyone carrying drink.
Alcohol will not be available on train buffet services and police will also have "dipsticks" to test if soft drinks have had alcohol added to them.
At Hampden itself officers will be on the lookout for fans who try to approach the stadium without a ticket, or drunk.
Ch Supt Robin Howe of Strathclyde Police, said: "Members of the Tartan Army have a tremendous reputation around the world for their friendliness and high spirits.
"We are determined to ensure that this does not deteriorate into rowdiness or violence because too much drink has been taken by an irresponsible few.
"We are not out to spoil the party and hope that people heading for this important game will not spoil it either by carrying alcohol or having too much to drink."
He urged supporters and coach operators to leave plenty of time for their journeys as they may be stopped for roadside police checks.