Monday, June 10, 2013

Best nutmegs Cruyff

In 1976, British journalist Bill Elliot was traveling with the Irish squad to the stadium where they’d meet Holland.

The Orange squad, and their captain Johan Cruyff, in 1976, were synonymous with greatness.

Elliot asked Best what he thought of Cruyff. "Outstanding". "Better than you?".

George looked at the journalist and laughed. "You’re kidding aren’t you? I tell you what I’ll do tonight - I’ll nutmeg Cruyff first chance I get."

What follows is Elliot’s description :

"Five minutes into the game Best received the ball wide on the left. Instead of heading towards goal he turned directly infield, weaved his way past at least three Dutchmen and found his way to Cruyff who was wide right. He took the ball to his opponent, dipped a shoulder twice and slipped it between Cruyff’s feet. As he ran round to collect it and run on he raised his right fist into the air."

"Only a few of us in the press box knew what this bravado act really meant. Johan Cruyff the best in the world? Are you kidding? Only an idiot would have thought that on this evening."

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